May 14Liked by Bonnie Radcliffe

The blackbird has about 13 distinctively different calls, if I remember rightly. My favourite one is the one that sounds like the beginning of the Adams' Family theme. We only ever heard it when there was more than one blackbird, the other seems to resond in a see-saw kind of way. You'll hear this conversation a lot in the summer now you know to look out for it. Last summer we had at least two pairs of blackbirds regularly visiting the garden, to the point where we actually got a little bit sick of hearing 'They're ooky and they're spooky!' 'Ee-e-ee!' over and over. Never managed to spot them doing this, so I don't know if they were mating or fighting calls. (Hoping you're feeling better by now)

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I love the Addams family reference, I’d not heard that before! What a great way of remembering! 😂

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May 7Liked by Bonnie Radcliffe

It feels like nature is reaching out to you, as a healing. When I was in London a couple of months I loved hearing the song of blackbird—thrushes have that poignant voice that seems to pierce my heart. “Follow the fox” seems like a good rule of thumb!

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May 6Liked by Bonnie Radcliffe

I hope you begin to feel better soon. Walking is always balm for the body and soul. Doing so is strong medicine, no matter how one might feel. For the most part. Bird song is intriguing and endlessly absorbing. I read once that the same species of bird in different areas has a different "accent" to its song. I noticed this in meadowlarks when I moved from Montana to Oregon. Fascinating! Also, I read a description of wrens as a "tiny tyrant." I love this description of one of my favorite birds. They are tiny forces of nature and are not afraid to defend their territory against much larger birds. Thank you for your lovely post.

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I LOVE that description! A tiny tyrant - so apt. And different accents - what an incredible detail. Thanks for sharing!

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Ahh I loved that chat with Tamu. I’m glad it found you!

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There was so much joy in that conversation! I am just about to start her book.

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